PDS220 Industrial Pressure Sensor

The PDS22C is a precision transmitter with CAN interface. The integrated interface has been designed according to the CANopen specification of the organisation CiA. The device profile 404 which is used has been designed by the CiA for the use in measuring and control instruments. This guarantees the compatibility with the systems of other manufacturers.


  • Built in digital electronic
  • CANopen protocol via CANbus
  • All Stainless steel
  • Large choice of connectors & threads


  • Railway
  • Instrumentation
  • Navy and shipbuilding applications
  • Test benches



EFE PDS220 Industrial Pressure sensor for accurate measurements is a precision transmitter with CAN interface. The integrated interface has been designed according to the CANopen specification of the organisation CIA. The PDS220 pressure sensor device profile 404 which is used has been designed by the CiA for the use in measuring and control instruments. This guarantees the compatibility with the systems of other manufacturers.

Our products are designed to withstand the harshest environments. Supplying pressure sensors for on-board applications for over 35 years has made us aware of the constraints of such environments on sensors, especially miniature.
Our robust technology, associated with proven high quality electronics have been successfully used on board applications in automotive, motor sport, military and aerospace applications.

Harsh environments for our sensors consist often in applications combining high levels of shocks, vibrations, accelerations and temperature.

Nevertheless unsuitable sensors can also be damaged by corrosive fluids, radiations (nuclear), pressure pulsations or spikes.

In all these cases we are offering dedicated proven solutions. Our thin film technology has many advantages, being 100% metallic, capable of high numbers of pressure cycles and adapted to gamma radiation environments.
Our manufacturing process, with adapted burn-in and high numbers of quality controls applied at 100% of our production, as well as the choice of high quality components, is a guarantee of the reliability of our sensors in your application.

Applications : on-board vehicle, flight test, missile, nuclear applications, satellite etc.

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