MG1 Control Grip

Control grips act as the direct interface between man and machine, and the design of the grip often defines the usability and success of the overall system. Daco’s MG1 modular control grip has been designed with versatility in mind.

To ensure short delivery times, these painted aluminium grips are held in stock, pre-drilled to take a selection of trimmer switches, toggle switches, buttons, blanking plates or force-operated miniature thumbsticks. Drawing from our list of standard options you can determine which combination of functions is installed in the grip and where each is positioned. Up to three thumb-operated functions can be specified in addition to a finger-operated trigger.

The resulting multi-function hand controller is particularly suited for use in adverse conditions. We use a proprietary textured surface finish that is robust and has sufficient body to insulate against thermal shock. It also ensures that the grip is comfortable, even after long periods of use.

The MG1 is cast using an aluminium alloy to avoid the high tool cost, flammability and toxicity problems associated with plastic grips. The use of aluminium also ensures the device has a low mass – an important factor when it is used in an environment that may have high vibration levels.

The MG1 can either be panel-mounted as a fixed grip or mounted on a Daco displacement joystick base. The decision as to which arrangement is most appropriate is dependent upon environment, application, available space and personal preference. Perhaps the most important advantage of fixed grips with integral thumbsticks is that the actions of holding and operating the device are virtually independent. This is particularly significant in applications where random operator movement, caused by an unstable operating platform, can be translated into unwanted control outputs. As fixed grips are stationary, the risk of flexing wires introducing fatigue failures or hysteresis is removed. Fixed grips also require less below-panel depth when it comes to installation.

Panel-mounted fixed grips are most commonly used with force-operated joysticks. This includes cursor control on vehicle-mounted or airborne equipment, control of helicopter-mounted surveillance equipment and fly-by-wire controls. On displacement joysticks they are common for use with simulators, trainers and remotely-operated vehicles.


The MG1 is a cast aluminium control grip that has three positions for thumb-operated functions and a further position for a finger-operated trigger. Each of the thumb-operated positions can accept a selection of buttons, trim switches, toggle switches, blanks or joysticks. It has the following characteristics:

  • Wide operating temperature range
  • Nearly 20,000 possible configurations
  • Comfortable to use
  • Compatible with Daco Joystick bases
  • Can be panel sealed to IP67 as a fixed grip
  • Rugged
  • High reliability
  • Accepts up to four functions
  • Available as fixed grip or attached to Daco's MP1 displacement joystick base
  • Accepts Daco;s MJ3 force-operated joystick
  • Engineered using an ISO 9001 approved quality system

The following modular options are available:

Thumb-operated positions* Blank
Momentary push button - 11N
Momentary push button - 18N
Momentary push button - 7N
Momentary 4-way toggle
Momentary 2-way toggle
Force Joystick
Trigger Blank
SPNO switch
Mounting Detail 4 off M4x9 deep on PCD, female
2-axis MP1 joystick mounting
3-axis MP1 joystick mounting
4 off M4x9 deep, female
Interface with switch capabilities** RS232 (mouse systems): 3 switches
Sun: 3 switches
RS422 (mouse systems): 7 switches
RS232 (Microsoft): 2 switches
PS2 3 switches
RS232 (Daco absolute): 8 switches
RS422 (Daco absolute): 8 switches
USB: 14 switches (games controller) or 3 switches (mouse)

* There are three thumb-operated positions available.

** All interfaces can be supplied on leads, but the in-grip version of the RS232 (mouse system), Sun or RS232 (Microsoft) interfaces will be supplied unless otherwise requested.