DIN KOS203P Temperature Converter In-Head

The KOS203P in-head transmitter incorporates the latest digital technology to ensure accurate drift free linearisation. It connects to any standard RTD Temperature sensor and converts the output to a linear 4-20mA output signal, providing a level of performance at a cost that was not possible with early analogue types.

A simple push button operation ranges and calibrates the KOS203P 4-20mA temperature transmitter, eliminating the need for soldering links, potentiometers or PCB’s.

High accuracy and stability coupled with the flexibility of reduced stock holding and the quick and easy way of bench re-arranging makes the KOS203P the ideal choice for the majority of RTD sensing requirements.

The KOS203P is linearised to comply with all common RTD sensor standards without affecting accuracy as the Zero & SPAN are se to a particular sensor type.

An on board LED indicates the successful completion of the range programming and also provides an instant indication of sensor health.


Update Time 0.5 Seconds
Response Time 1 second to reach 90% of the final value
start up time From power up typically 5 seconds
Filter Factor Adaptive
Ambient Temperature -40ºC to +85ºC
Connection Screw Terminal
Approvals BN EN 61326; 1998 - Electrical equipment for measurement and control ANNEX A; ANNEX F
Factory Default 0 to 100ºC upscale burnout (0.0ºC user trim)