6289, 6254 and 6210 Footswitch Bellows

Herga Technology offers a range of Footswitch Bellows for different applications and environments. Offering tough plastic footswitch bellows for both hand and foot operations and their 6448 footswitch bellows which are well suited to medical applications. Twin footswitch bellows are also available.

The 6289, 6254 & 6210 Foot Bellows is a range of air operated footswitches to be used with Herga’s extensive range of airswitches.

  • 6289 compact, robust construction with colour option availableupon request
  • 6254 aluminium construction for harsh environments with strong conduit tubing
  • 6210 tough reinforced plastic construction with light, easy operation.



Herga 6289, 6254 & 6210 Footswitch Bellows is a range of air operated footswitches to be used with Herga’s extensive range of airswitches.

  • 6289 compact, robust construction with colour option availableupon request
  • 6254 aluminium construction for harsh environments with strong conduit tubing
  • 6210 tough reinforced plastic construction with light, easy operation.

Herga Technology offers a range of Footswitch Bellows for different applications and environments. Offering tough plastic footswitch bellows for both hand and foot operations and their 6448 footswitch bellows which are well suited to medical applications. Twin footswitch bellows are also available.

Footswitches, also known as foot pedals, are available in different shapes and sizes many with customisable options. Our footswitches are used for applications in many industries including; Medical, Industrial Machinery and Custom Solutions. In the majority of instances, a footswitch is selected for use because it allows the operator to multi task.  Using a footswitch means that the user has both hands free to be able to complete work effectively. This is really useful in places such as a call centre, when workers are using a headset to speak on the phone, often a footswitch will be used to answer the phone so that the worker still has both hands free to operate a computer and/or make notes.

Many of Herga’s Footswitches have stock models available for fast delivery – details on our stock models are shown on the individual product data sheets which can be found by clicking on the product categories and selecting a product.

Herga Technology now offers a range of Footswitches with Bluetooth Smart Closed Network. These are popular in medical applications. These footswitches with Bluetooth Smart Closed Network are battery powered and have a separate remote receiver providing a safe and economic remote switching solution. The battery life on the footswitches with Bluetooth Smart Closed Network is up to 5 times longer than comparative manufacturers offerings.

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